Brand Positioning

Insights Blog

The Power of Positive, and Negative, Persuasion

While effective marketing communication usually aims to guide audiences toward positive outcomes, overly optimistic messaging can often fall flat. The most impactful marketing campaigns strike a strategic balance between a “Push” away from pain and a “Pull” toward a compelling vision of the future.

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Woman holding lightbulb with glowing filaments
Blurry business pedestrians
Behavioral Economics and Your Brand

Behavioral Economics and Your Brand

What inspires anyone to build a relationship with one business or brand over another? The truth is people usually make choices by instinct and intuition.  Behavioral economics lays out a set of common mental shortcuts, aka biases or heuristics, that people subconsciously rely on to make intuitive buying decisions. Here's how behavioral science can streamline your customer journey.

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house of cards
Brand Visibility in Crisis

Brand Visibility in Crisis

The coronavirus pandemic has brought most US businesses to a standstill. Our doors have closed and our employees are sheltering-in-place.

When business revenue and personal incomes are suffering, is brand promotion insensitive? The answer is a little more complex than “yes” or “no”.

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